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İpek Mursaloğlu

Ipek Mursaloğlu explores the existence of human beings formed by the interplay of spirit and matter on the plane of the world. She investigates how individuals survive, express themselves, reflect their subjective desires, and translate their acquired experiential time into their own being. She aims for the artwork to make references to the concept of human understanding by utilizing the symbolisms ingrained in society's culture and balancing colors.

İpek Mursaloğlu

İpek Mursaloğlu was born in 1970 in Antakya, Hatay. At the age of 12, she moved to Istanbul for her education. She started her painting studies at a very young age. As an artist who values abstract thinking, she strives to understand human beings by examining different perspectives. In 2002, she established her own studio where she carries out her artistic endeavors. Besides her paintings, Mursaloğlu has also created installations and worked on four separate book projects.

Artistic Periods:

Series on urban stress: Emphasizing color balance.

Number series: Depicting the calculated life of humans based on logic.

Bird series: Exploring dreams.

Ostrich series: Representing individuals attempting to change.

Untitled no. series: Her latest works. Influenced by the city destroyed in the February 6th earthquake, this period continues as a tribute to the burial of the deceased without names, using numbers only.

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