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Hanefi Yeter

Hanefi Yeter was born in Bayburt in 1947. In 1967, he began his education at the State Academy of Fine Arts in the studio of Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu. In 1970, he earned the opportunity to attend art education at the "Academie des Beaux-Arts" in Paris; however, due to personal reasons, he was unable to complete his education there and returned to Istanbul. Yeter completed his art education at the Academy and graduated in 1972. In 1973, he passed the State Scholarship Examination and started his postgraduate education at the Berlin University of the Arts, graduating in 1978.

Hanefi Yeter

Yeter has had over 90 solo exhibitions in Turkey and abroad, including Vienna, Paris, Brussels, Manchester, and various cities in Germany. He became the first Turkish-origin artist to hold a solo exhibition in East Germany, and the catalog for that exhibition was published with special permissions.

Hanefi Yeter's works are present in national and international museums and private collections, and he has 5 mural paintings, 2 ceramic facades, 2 mosaic panels, 1 sculpture in Berlin, and 3 mural paintings in the city of Darmstadt.

Between 2006 and 2012, the artist carried out nearly a hundred sculpture and relief works in Mersin, Aydın, Denizli, Trabzon, Ankara, Bursa, Antalya, Tarsus, and Nevşehir. He continues his work in Istanbul.

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