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Ekrem Kadak

Ekrem Kadak was born in 1957 in Tokat, Turkey. He graduated from Samsun 19 Mayıs Education Institute's Painting Department. He completed his undergraduate studies at Anadolu University. He worked as an art educator for a period of time. From 2004 to 2012, he researched traditional reverse glass painting techniques of different nations worldwide. Through approximately 3000 experimental works on reverse glass painting, he reconstructed his own artistic understanding with contemporary references to the traditional. He produced large-scale works on transparent organic surfaces (resist) and polycarbonate glass surfaces. Working with the concepts of contemporary life, human beings, space, and light, the artist creates his artworks based on the principle of "Art renews itself through the relationship between search and experimentation."

Ekrem Kadak

Kadak observed that traditional approaches to reverse glass painting remained stagnant during his research from 2005 to 2013. By making contemporary references and conducting experimental works, he achieved a current understanding in the field of reverse glass painting. Ekrem Kadak is the pioneering artist who introduced contemporary references to traditional reverse glass painting techniques.

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